The Explicit Mandate of Ministering Faith till the End || Pastor W.F Kumuyi

Great glorious morning everyone amen. As our morning is good our ministry will be good and as every morning we wake up and we say this the day the Lord has made I'll be glad and rejoice in it great morning great ministry we depend upon the grace of God and you know sometimes some people cannot even wake up because you know they had that in the night and that in the night but you know for us the grace of God comes even when your body is saying am I getting up the grace comes and lifts you up and you have a gracious morning a gracious Ministry you know every moment the Lord is with us as we're here he is with us and as we are finishing we're concluding today and we're going out every step of your way every day of your week every month of your year the Lord will be with you and you carry those words with you good great gracious am father we thank you I we magnify you because of your love because of your ministers these are your ambassadors and you have come here we have come here and you have come with us and so that we'll be equit for the ministry we pray Lord everything we still need you pass on to everyone in Jesus name make our Ministries good amen great glorious gracious in Jesus name thank you we know you have answered in Jesus name we pray God has blessed you you can see down today we're coming to the conclusion of the ministers and professionals conference and today we're looking at the explicit Mandate of ministering Faith till the end explicit there's no Shadow of Doubt what he wants us to do what he has called us to do and what he has anointed appointed for us to do is very clear explicit it's a mandate it's a decree it's a word we cannot turn upside down it's a word we cannot take anything from it's a word he has given us and it's a mandate and when we go to the field we're not going and asking the people what do you want me to tell you what do you want me to teach you no what the Mandate we have the Mandate from Christ the Commandment from Christ The Great Commission from Christ and it is explicit enough of ministering we're not there to talk anything say any other thing were there as ministers am I right and when the driver drives and the minister must Minister and the one who has been saying by the Lord were to represent the Lord we're not representing a tribe we're not representing a locality we're not representing a denomination we there to represent the Lord he is the Messiah he is the savior he is the king of king and the Lord of lords he is the Redeemer and he send us forth to represent him like the ambassadors of a country that go to the country and they're representing their country whatever the culture of that country they don't follow that culture and whatever when those countries when they have their holidays they said is their holiday the Ambassador represents his own country the ambassador of Christ represents Christ it doesn't represent this um you know denomination that denomination I come here well it's good you know somebody must have a name name somebody must have an address is coming from a locality is coming from they say you are coming from Deeper Life say the general superintendent of this and that that's all right we have to introduce somebody and give a name but I didn't come here in the name of Deeper Life I came to represent Christ and I came to tell you the Mandate that he has given the explicit Mandate of ministering faith were ministering faith we don't Minister doubt some people read the Bible and they say Peter said Peter that said the Holy Ghost inspired Peter to say that God said when the Bible says something it's God saying that and they say Solomon said well I understand but it's God that gave the word and the wisdom to Solomon is God and we build up faith in God and that's the reason why we're here from the beginning of our ministry to the very end we're ministering faith and it says till the end I will go until the end I will go until the end I'm sure you've heard they asked me the question and he said are you about to retire I said retire I'm going till the end somebody there I'm going to the end you know in the different religious circles they have their own principles they have their own tradition and they have their own Administration and they will tell you now youve reached this age now you retired now that's your denomination that's your Administration if you're an evangelist at that time when they see you retire the Lord does not take away from you the ministry of the Evangelist you retire denominationally but you go on firing on until the end they bring you know all those that's what they did they do in the world you know they they say that at this age at 65 at 70 you retire get out of that se somebody is waiting already and if you don't leave there they will push you out because the next person must be there that's why they retire it comes to their turn but in the case of the Apostle the prophet the Evangelist the pastor the teacher look at Peter there until the end look at Paul there until the end look at Timothy there until the end and I look at you today and I pray that a fresh anointing will come upon your life a new power will come upon your life don't maybe you're sitting down now you know sometimes we stand up sometimes just like I'm standing now and you're sitting down but you're sitting down is preparation for lunching out you will go on till the end in Jesus name the topic today the explicit Mandate of ministering Faith till the end I'm looking at Hebrews chapter 10 and we're looking at verse 22 let us draw near with a True Heart in full Assurance of Faith having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our body washed with pure water look at verse 23 in verse 23 it says let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering for he is faithful that promised it says let us hold fast the profession of our faith our faith why because he who has called you and he who has appointed you is faithful that promise join those two words together our faith is faithfulness what is faith faith is believing that God is faithful as he promised he'll fulfill it as he giving you an assignment it will make sure you carry out the assignment our faith is in the faithfulness of God man's faith in the faithfulness of God think about that think about that is sin is coming are you going to be saved yes I'll be saved why I have faith in the faithfulness of the Savior if a sick person is coming do you believe you're going to be healed yes why I have faith in the faith fulness of the Healer here is a down tring person and he is a slave to everything but he calls for Redemption my friend do you believe you're are going to be redeemed yes I have faith in the faithfulness of the Redeemer he Wonder are you why are you here because this is my way to get to heaven how do you believe you are going to get to heaven I have faith in the faithfulness of the one who has made him man for me over there faith and faithfulness anytime you come to the Lord you understand he will answer my prayer he'll give me joy he'll give me peace it will turn my life around for the better why because I have faith in the faithfulness of him who has promised and that's why we're here today I just want to remind you that we have this explicit mandate we have the faith we give the faith we believe in the Lord and we call other people today believe on the Lord and we're doing that every day we never operate in unbelief we never operate in fear we never operate in faithfulness we never operate in faltering and we are shaken we cannot shake why because the one who is faithful is so firm is so solid and we know that all the powers on Earth are not equal to the power of the faithful one who has called you and he will see you through there are three things we're going to look at number one we're looking at the preaching and profession of faith in the faithful number two we're looking at the pattern and proclamation of faith in its fullness we don't only you know talk about faith in a you know a little sector section of the word of God in the fullness of the word of God what he has promised he will do in its fullness we have faith in that and we look at the pattern we look at the proclamation number three is our perseverance and in possession of faith in the finisher in the finisher you know some people say I am now I believe in the Lord how am I going to finish well faith in the Finish the author and the finisher of our faith he is the author is the origin he has started something good in your life it will continue there's no fear maybe there'll be an obstacle in the way maybe there'll be a hle in the way and something will stop me uh-uh you're unstoppable if he is Unstoppable you are unstoppable if he is the one that started the faith in you and you know unfinished product men have unfinished product they start days they cannot finish they start that they cannot finish but not Christ he has started with your life he molding you he's mending you he's mentoring you and what has started it will finish maybe today you are an unfinished product there's no problem because he's still working on you I said the Lord is still working on you somebody looks at you and he say uhuh Madam uh-uh sir that's how you are you need to see me about 10 years ago I'm not what I used to be say that to yourself and the Lord is still at work he has not finished finished and you can go away and when he finishes you can come back you see something you never saw in your life before he on working is working in your life and he has started and he will he will finish strong it will finish well and when I look at you after he has worked on you I'll be surprised this brother so and so that's sister so and so that's Min so and so and you'll be a Wonder to the people around you in Jesus name we're looking at number two number two sorry number one is the preaching and the profession of faith in the faithful faith in the faithful it tells we're going to divide this to three parts number one we're looking at the profession with full Assurance of Faith number two is the preaching by faithful ambassadors of the foundation number three the ption for fatal abandonment of the faith fatal abandonment of the faith you may not abandon the ministry but if you abandon the faith for the ministry fatal you may not abandon you know worship and coming every Sunday and doing this and that but if you abandon the faith in the worship that is fatal you will will not abandon and God will not abandon you look at number one number one is the profession with full Assurance of faith it tells us in Hebrews chapter 10 I'm reading here from verse 7 then said I lo I come in the volume of the book it is written of me to do thy will oh God Christ came to do the will of God my salvation is the will of God that's what he came to do my healing is the will of God that's what he came to do my growth is the will of God that's what he came to do my perfection is the will of God that is what he came to do and he will do it well in your life look at verse 8 in verse 8 it tells us above when he said sacrifice and offering and bunch offerings and offering for sin thou wouldest not neither at thou pleasure therein which are offered by the law neither do you have a pleasure in what was offered by the law by the LA that's the Old Testament and you see all those people in the Old Testament they're bringing this sacrifice bringing that sacrifice and he didn't PCH them it didn't p purify them it didn't make their lives better and God says yes I ordained it but it's not producing the result I don't have pleasure in that anymore you know religion there are people that they do not read the whole Bible you understand whenever you buy a book many people when you read your book the book you have bought you start from chapter one if you get to the middle of that chapter two you have tried they don't go to the end of the book how many books have you got how many books have you started reading and you read chapter one chapter 2 and then you put it on the shelf and now one year has gone you have not touched that book many people they come to religion they read Genesis and exodus and they cannot go beyond that they read the LI because they cannot go beyond that when you go on reading and go on reading and you come to this and it says all those Old Testament all the old Old Testament sacrifices he has no pleasure in them and then in verse 9 in verse 9 it tells then said I lo I come to do thy will oh God I come he came to the Earth he came over here on Earth lo I come to do thy will oh God and you know when he came there were people that have not understood and the Pharisees did not understand Sadducees did not understand religious leaders in Israel did not understand Nicodemus did not understand are you a ruler in Israel and you don't understand and the leper did not understand that's why the leper said if it be thy will you can make me whole you can cleanse me there are people that take their prayer pattern from the leper the leper that did not know that he has come he came to save he came to heal he came to deliver and when they want to pray they come and chapter 8 of Matthew where the leper said if it be the will is so far away from Calvary Chapter 8 is so far away from the cross is so far away from the time Jesus said it is finished and you know they say praying like you know that leper if it be the will save me of course he came to do the will of God if it be thy will heal me of course he came to do the will of God if it be thy will sanctify me sanctification is the will of God and Jesus said Lo behold I come to do thy will oh God he taketh away the first that he may establish the second he taketh away the first what that the first Covenant the old Covenant all those sacrifices bring goat and bring sheep and bring foul and bring Turtle do and bring this and that he take it away the force so that he can establish the second he take away the first all the activities of the first Adam that he did and brought us into sin into slavery into sickness into satanic Dominion he taketh away the fce and now the second the last Adam he has come and what he has now given us is good salvation total salvation is perfect salvation wonderful salvation and total healing and total Deliverance he has given you now and in your life you not go back to the first the first sacrifice there's the second sacrifice there the final sacrifice you're not going back to the old Covenant you're now in the New Covenant and it says he has now established the second look at verse 10 in verse 10 it says by the wi will I come to do thy will oh God by that will we are Sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all once for all once for all some religious people they see whenever they take the sacrament whenever they take the Holy Communion they say that they are having the sacrifice of Jesus again and they taking of the literal body and the literal blood of Jesus again no no because he gave the sacrifice and the offering once for all that's why many people are deceived because um they want healing they want deliverance and they come to the Prophet The Prophet who has not come into the New Testament and they say Prophet Prophet I Want To Worship way all my demon all my you know destruction and they say come and they said they follow them to the rivers side and Mr Prophet a man is washing by himself is washing Madame sickness at the Riven no wonder they commit sin was out even David that did not see was not washing BBA just look outside the window and saw BBA washing herself committed adultery and murder how about the Mr Prophet that takes the woman and undresses the woman and is washing the woman at the Riverside those are not prophets of God they still back in even in the old Covenant they didn't do that to wash a Woman by the Riverside I'm sure you will not do that but the sacrifice of Christ once for all it has now been totally done and it is by that we are Sanctified look at verse 14 in verse 14 for by one offering he has perfected forever them that are Sanctified by one offering he did that on the cross and no more but now we are made perfect through that sanctification look at verse 15 in verse 15 whereof the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us for after that he had said before verse 16 what did he say this the Covenant that I will make with them after those days say the Lord I will put my L into their hearts give me good amen people have you know the Ten Commandments and they put each on the wall but you're are not looking at that every time and then you go out you cannot see that they put the 10 commandments you know is beautifully printed and he puts it there thou sh not thou sh not thou shall not and when they go They're not seeing that thing on the wall the thing that the wall uh paper said thou shall not the do but God said it's not effective to put those laws and those Commandments on the wall on the door anywhere but now I will put my loss into their heart and you carry that with you everywhere and the reader your conscience is reminding you look at this Lord look at this and you cannot say I forgot because it's reaching upon your heart and in their minds will I write them it's a new day it's a new dispensation it's a New Covenant and the Lord affected your life in Jesus name we're coming to we're coming to number two here number two is the preaching by faithful ambassadors of the foundation the preaching by faithful ambassadors of the foundation it says we're preaching the foundation we're preaching the founder we're preaching the finisher of our faith look at 1 Corinthians chapter 3 looking at verse 10 according to the grace of God which is given unto me hold on according to the grace of God which is given unto me at Salvation it's by Grace the rest of our lives in the ministry is also by Grace by Grace God God riches abundant and complete and is extensive giv unto us at Salvation Grace at sanctification Grace in service Grace there are people in service they leave the grace of God and they minister in the energy of the flesh the minister in the uh Arch itude of the flesh they leave the grace of God apart and with physical natural uh attitude they Minister and it doesn't work and they so labor without Grace and the labor is a graceless labor and the activity is a graceless activity now Grace will not be Ang angry at the congregation Grace will not be angry at the backslider grace will not fight on the pul pit Grace will not knock will not knock somebody there where you preaching when we're saved it's all by grace and when we're Sanctified it's all by grace and as we come to serve the Lord in any capacity there's no pride in Grace and there is no anger in Grace there's no self will in Grace there's no BR beaching beaching other people to submission by Grace Grace does not do that here Paul the Apostle said according to the grace of God which is given unto me as a wise master builder Grace makes us wise self makes us unwise is foolish personal ability and the personal aggressiveness it makes us foolish but is the grace that makes us like it made Paul a wise master builder he said I have L the foundation another Builders there on but let every man take heed how he builded there upon how is he going to take a heed did by Grace our for runners the on who went before us they did it all by grace and Christ came to reveal Grace unto us and the fullness of Grace as we're built there upon we're building by the grace of God look at verse 11 in verse 11 for all the foundation can no man L than that is Le which is Jesus Christ when you are building the foundation the foundation is Jesus Christ and you preaching the in the faithfulness of the foundation you not replacing Christ with yourself listen to me this is who I am this my church is going astray in the Church of Jesus Christ and he says Upon This Rock I'll build my church and when you are in Grace you understand this is his church and we handle that delicately and we handle that wisely and we handle that as representatives of Christ and we're still building that same Foundation Christ and we don't allow our gifts our talents our popularity to carry us away and I were talking about myself myself for other Foundation can no man live than that which is lead already which is Jesus Christ look at verse 12 in verse 12 now if any man build upon this Foundation how is he going to build upon the foundation is doing it by Grace I'm not qualified for this this is not my family property I'm not qualified to handle this I am here as I was saved by grace I also serve by grace and the Lord will be happy with such a person and every Grace we need and every strength we need every Power we need he'll give unto us in Jesus name but you know in the church when the people fear the man the minister more than they fear God they love Christ and more than they yielded to the inspiration of the Holy Ghost there's no more grace there that man is the authority is the power and once he stand just look at him standing alone you begin to tremble and once he looks at you and he says whatever he says and whatever he used to see the people fear Him and they don't say don't do that because the grace of Christ forbids us to do that they say don't do that if the pastor hears you did that you are in trouble would whenever get in trouble with Christ whenever get in trouble with the grace of God when Joy is smile when Joy is love but the man or the woman that wants to keep us in slavery whatever they do and their posture is like we tremble and we fear them there's no church there there's no Ministry there is the grace of God that helps us and will build precious things like gold and silver and precious those who build wood ha and stubble that will be burnt of because they do it without Grace we will have the grace of God I will have the grace of God anytime you come to minister and you see that Grace is leaked out the grace is not there the goodness of the Lord is not there The Riches of the Kingdom not there the abundance of the kingdom is not there and the Cross of Christ is not there and the emancipation of the Lord by the Lord alone and you have the joy in presenting Emmanuel the emancipator before them if all that is not there why don't you just go go back to your closet why don't you go back to your chamber and say Lord I need Grace I canot minister to these people in anger I cannot minister with boisterousness I cannot minister or that hard kind of you know word I'm speaking to them I need Grace it'll give you more grace and that Grace will be sufficient for you in Jesus name we're looking at 2 Timothy Chapter 2 and I'm reading there from verse 19 Foundation Foundation nevertheless the foundation of God stand show we're building on the foundation the ambassadors of Christ that to build on the foundation and it says the Lord knoweth them that are his and let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity you know when it's by Grace it's easy to depart from iniquity the grace of God lifts you up and helps you and he says get up this is not your place you are better than this you are higher than this and the grace comes you'll depart from iniquity but when you leave the grace of God alone and you're doing it by yourself I will not do this I will not say this I will will not go there I will not move there when it's by your strength it's difficult difficult to break the Habit that had been with you for 30 40 50 years or more but when it is by Grace everyone that names the name of Christ can easily depart from inequity and somebody shout amen we're looking at number three here number three is the ption for fatal abandonment of the faith the ption for fatal abandonment of faith and you see there are people that think that I'm saved I'm forever saved there's condition there if you abide you're saved forever saved if you remain you are saved forever say but you know we have our free will a free will and that Free Will operates every time do you understand I breathe in breathe out that's my free will if I don't want to breathe I know how to do that everybody knows how to do that but we breathe in we breathe out because we have free will you take your birs in the morning nobody comes to force you it's your free will you eat when you hungry you might decide I won't eat even though I'm hungry but your free will makes you to decide okay I'm going to I'm going to eat and you dress yourself well before you go out of the house it's your free will if you don't want to dress if you want to put on whatever that people will see the anatomy of your body is your free will and the same thing the grace of God Has Come unto us the grace of God that salvation was not forced on us whosoever will may come and the strength in Salvation was not forced on us we came it said be strong in the Lord and we decided I'm going to be strong in the Lord a free will is there and then if anybody wants to sin the Free Will is there too look at Hebrews chapter 10 verse 26 for if we sin willfully it's a will after that we have received the knowledge of the truth there remaines no more sacrifice for sin you understand that if you know the food is there and then Mommy says come and eat and for whatever reason may be you are angry at her and you're angry at yourself and you say I will not eat your food and then you take that place of food and you throw it away that's your free will and you did that willfully now when you are hungry you cannot say mommy can I have food I'm out of the kitchen already and the one I give you you throw it away you see the same thing he he delivers us from sin he saves us from sin and if we the decide that that sacrifice we're going to rubbish that sacrifice if we decide we're not going to take the benefit of that sacrifice anymore if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth there remain no more sacrifice for sins look at the next verse there 27 but is certain fearful looking for of judgment you are the one looking for the Judgment he doesn't want to judge you he doesn't want to condemn you he wants you happy he wants you holy he wants you moving forward but you said no I'm grounded you're grounded yourself no I'm going to continue saying that's your decision and you're looking for judgment he has not come to condemn he has not come to judge he has come to save but you see I'm looking for that judgment all right what you are looking for you will get ask and thou shall receive seek and you shall find nor can it shall be opened unto you but a certain fearful looking for of judgment and F indignation which shall Devour the adversaries now it's reserved for the adversaries that Lord in his own mind he makes you an ambassador he makes you a chge of God he makes you his offering but you say no I abandon that I want to fight I want to fight all right but understand when you make yourself an adversary of the Lord that's your choice there's judgment there's FY indignation verse 28 in verse 28 he that despises Moses law died without Mercy under two or three he Witnesses verse 29 how of how much Sor punishment suppose him that he he shall he be thought worthy who has tring Under Foot the Son of God you see that that's not the will of God that somebody who has been a Believer is coming and now something got into him and he accept accepted that thing not Satan because if it's Satan that does something through you God will punish that Satan and if it's not your fault it's not my fault is Satan God will handle Satan all but because this is man's choice and he has tring Under Foot the Son of God have you Trad somebody under your foot is standing before you is pleading I died for for you is sping I died so that your sins will be taken away say get out of my side I am your savior I am Jesus I'm the Son of God and you push him down and you walk over him you have Trampled Under Foot the Son of God because you love your sin and you love what you want to do more than the Son of God standing before you look at this and he has counted the blood of the Covenant where with he was Sanctified he was Sanctified it was saved was set apart was Sanctified was made Holy by the blood of the Covenant but now he counts that blood look at that look at that it says where with he was Sanctified and an Unholy thing it comes that as Unholy but you said the blood was holy before yes I said so before I don't say that again I don't accept that again that's the man he chosen that he's going to abandon the faith and abandon the grace of God and I'm surprised that people who hear him say what he says and see him do what he does they still giv the respect of the old faithfulness when he was standing when he believed in Christ when he was following Christ there still seeing brother brother they still saying Reverend Reverend and they still seeing pastor Pastor look at what he has done he's tring under the Son of God and he has counted the blood of the Covenant where with he was Sanctified an Unholy thing and he has done despite to the spirit of Grace and you know did he still use all this title and they still say you know brother they still say sister look at him look at her and look at even his facial appearance and look at his Defiance against the Lord Jesus and against the spirit of God look at verse 30 in verse 30 say for we know him that has said V belong unto me I will recompense say the Lord and again the Lord shall judge his people and we look at verse 31 there verse 31 it's a fearful sin to fall to the hands of the Living God look at verse 38 in verse 38 it says now the just shall live by faith but if any man draw back you know the Free Will is there you become saved your free will is still there you're Sanctified your free will is still there you become a minister your free will is still there and you become you know the highest of the ministers in your denomination your free will is still there and we need to subdue that Free Will no I will not do that I'm a Child of God I'll will not go that direction make sure that your free will does not ruin in your life now the J shall lay by faith but if any man draw back my soul shall have no pleasure in him it's when we stand on the ground of Grace and when we stand by the virtue of Faith he has pleasure in us but it's not forever if we're draw back then it says my soul shall have no pleasure in him look at verse 10 39 vers 39 it says but we are not of them who draw back are they hear you amen it's a personal choice personal choice when we know the path back to the DRS of the world to the defilement of the world but we see no I am not of them who draw back onto pedition but of them that believe to the saving of the Soul you'll Keep On Believing I believed yesterday today I believe I said today I believe the water I drank yesterday is not enough to quench The Thirst of today the food I ate yesterday is not enough to switch and temper and remove the hunger I feel today the face I add yesterday is not enough to overcome the challenges of today every day I must believe that's why it says we're not of them who draw back onto ption but of them that believe to the saving of the Soul Amen in your life we come to point number two point number two the pattern and proclamation of faith in its fullness we're looking at three things here number one pleasing God Through The Obedience of Faith number two proclaiming the gospel for observance by the faithful number three says preventing the Giants of the obstacles of fear look at number one number one is pleasing God Through The Obedience of Faith we're looking at um Hebrews 11 verse 5 in Hebrews 11:5 by faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death by faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death the Rapture is going to happen amen but remember remember when he comes the son of man shall he find faith on the Earth shall he find faith in your heart or it's only activity action or it's only this this and that but faith is missing the Rapture will take away way the people that still have faith by faith Enoch was translated that they should not see death walk at that on that every day there's so many things that will distract us from having faith there's so many things that will jul us there's so many things that will test us there's so many things that will try us and then we forget the faith will say you want to fight come on I'll fight you you want to do this I'm ready for you and then we abandon our faith and you understand to be translated and to have the rapture we hold on to that Faith any other thing that will come in our lives or people want to fight or they want to do this and that so that they make us drop our faith and we not begin to Walk In the Flesh in violence all that will he us from the Rapture by faith Enoch was translated that he should not seed and he was not found because he had been translated he had translated him for before his translation he had this testimony that he pleased God is the faith we have in him I trust him he cannot disappoint me I trust him he's holding my hand I trust him I'm in the right place I trust him I walk by his power I trust him all the promises he had made for me they yes and amen and I'm leaving by them is that faith that gets us ready anytime the Lord will come look at verse six in verse six it says but without faith it's impossible to please him money does not please him self does not please him the shouting does not please him speaking in tongues good but if that's all you do you speak in tongues you beat your wife you speak in tongues you still Church money you speak in tongues and you do some lousy lousy feel the sin all that does not please him it is Faith the faith in him the faith in the faithful the faith and the finisher of a faith without faith it's impossible to please him for he that cometh to God must believe he cometh to God for salvation he must believe he come to God for healing he must believe he come to God for new strength every day to run the race he must believe he come to God for sanctification Holiness he must believe he come to God for power in the Holy Ghost he must believe he comeing to God for Renewal every day the strength of the Lord renewed in his life every day he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him that diligently seek Him amen amen you know of our children I mean real real children those infants and daddy says pray mommy says pray pray every time pray every day because it's in prayer we have our strength and now your child is kneeling down and shaking the head like this and tur it like that and he ping the hand and looking through the openings of the fingers whether mommy is watching or not that's not diligence I said that to say this the people adults who say they are praying and they're seeking the Lord and they they're doing this and then they open their eyes they see what that fellow is doing there and they're doing this and all and they're looking and that's they you know all and they March they March but they're looking and watching that's not seeking the Lord diligently if you wait to the governor and you wanted something from him and you're doing like that like a little child like an infant they'll not count you serious the governor will say to you know the person why did you bring a man a woman like like this he cannot even pay attention and he not even looking at me he's not concentrating on what he wants why don't you understand that if God is going to bless us the prayer and the faith is that we believe that he the almighty God is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him God's blessing we're not multiplying your life we're coming to number two number two is Pro proclaiming the gospel for the observance by the faithful we're proclaiming the gospel we're doing what the Lord has called us to do and we expect that the faithful in the land that they will obey the word of God in Hebrews chapter 11 reading from verse 24 by faith Moses think about that Moses couldn't have done everything he did except by faith Moses here am I I've seen the Affliction of the children of Israel and have come to deliver them get up and go to that same Egypt that you run away from that you take Faith to go back there and go tell pharaoh to appear before Pharaoh remember he left when the daughter of pharaoh had adopted him that he would be king because the lady couldn't be a king and he ased he ran away I don't want that I want to suffer Affliction with the people of God and he comes to that same place that takes faith and go tell Pharaoh let my son go and Pharaoh said Moses Aaron you keep the people from their work you want them lazy I want them to build for me and you are saying that they should go don't come here again and he came again where they drove you out and they say they don't want gospel here they don't want preaching here they don't want righteousness salvation here and the Lord said go back and you go back that is fa and then eventually with all those Miracles performed they let you go and now they were by the Red Sea and look at pharaoh and his chariots coming and you're still standing there and you are telling the children of Israel fear not the Egyptians you see today you'll see them no more that's faith and when God said why you crying unto me stretch your Ro Rod look at the sea it will drown everyone but it's say stretch your rod and he said to the rod and the rod parted will you be God if he told you to do something like that un scientific and just stretch the RO he did by faith and then they came over like you will come over no sea will drown you no sea will drown your ministry it's all by faith and God said look back back and the Egyptians were coming they were in the middle of the red SE say Stretch Your Rod again rod that's all you have what's in your hand God will use to perform a miracle he said the RO and the water closed up on them they sang they came to the next chapter after they singing at the end of that chapter 15 the water was bitter they couldn't drink and the children of Israel began to M and Moses said what am I going to do look at that tree a representation of the Cross of Christ when he comes throw it into that River and Mara beater will turn to Sweet the cross of Jesus will turn every bitterness of your life into Sweetness in Jesus name and it was so and it was so and the Lord made a covenant of them and he came to the next chapter what are we going to eat now you made us leave Egypt where is breakfast where is lunch and God said he'll give Mana all by faith and he went and the amikit came against them chapter 17 and again they overcame every chapter every step of the way it was by faith every day in your life you'll overcome every challenge that comes to you you'll overcome by Faith by faith Moses when he was come to years refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter verse 25 he is choosing rather to suffer Affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season you cannot enjoy the provisions of Calvary and enjoy the pleasures of sin at the same time one has to go if the purity of the Cross is rejected then you have your pleasures of sin but if you're going to enjoy the provision of the Cross and the provision of Calvary the provision of Christ you have to abandon the pleasures of sin look at verse 26 verse 2 six esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of in Egypt you understand what that means it's like um you know you've taken your bath but you've not robbed the Pomade and you know whatever to make you look good beautiful and and some but insult comes because of your faith insult comes because because of your preaching and the insult comes because of your ministry and you take that insult and you rob it on yourself because you enjoy it they insult me because of Christ they they reproach me because of Christ I take that like PID and I rub it like this and I rub it on my and I say thank you Jesus I can suffer reproach with you that's how Moses saw everything that came because he esteemed the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt for he had respect unto the recompense of the reward verse 27 in verse 27 by faith he forsook Egypt not fearing the r of the king for he ended as seen him tell me who is invisible when he was in Egypt he saw pharaoh and he saw the fury he didn't TR see him or look at him he saw the invisible God he saw those magicians are going to perform and replicate and reproduce the miracle that the RO performed he didn't look at The Magicians he looked at his God as seen him who is invisible and here call pharaoh and he pointed his a dangerous finger at Moses and you could see on his face don't come here again he didn't see the man he didn't see the anger he saw the presence of the invisible and the am malachit that came and behind the army of the children of Israel they were going to destroy everyone he didn't see the amikit he saw him who is invisible you know our problem we see people too much we don't see God the invisible one somebody is threatening us we hear him more than we hear the god of Heaven who says I never leave you and never forsake you we saw a bully that will bully us down and Shout us down we didn't see God were looking at the bully and were trembling and shaking our our problem is we see dangerous people here on Earth too often too much we gaze at them and as we gaze at them it looks like their Furious eyeballs are stronger and greater than the um fav favorable eyes of the Lord but the reason why the wories of old AR success is because every time they could endal as seeing him who is invisible he will never leave you he never forsake you whatever you see of this world look away and see the invisible you will always have the victory in Jesus name we're coming to number three here number three is preventing the Giants of the obstacles of Faith preventing the Giants yes there were giants in the land and there are still Giants in the land and the Giants have just one goal that the people of God will not get to their inheritance and if we look at those Giants and never never even pick up the courage to move move on and get to our inheritance they heard that Joshua was coming and all those kings Made A Confederacy and he said let him come or show him were been kind of forceful violent fighting soldiers from our youth and Joshua still wa all by faith they passed the Red Sea by faith they pass through Jordan all by faith they passed through and those Jericho walls came down all by faith and these things were written for our learning that if we just believe the Lord there are no Giants on Earth that can hinder Us in Jesus name Giants May brag that's who they are Giants May boast that's so they they would say give me one man there if it's able to conquer me then you conquer us we will be your servant if I conquer him and that was actually his emphasis because he failed anyone they brought he will conquer that individual and you say why are you waiting are you not the followers of Saul here am the Giant and I come give me one man okay well give you one man will even give you somebody who is not a full man yet just a boy will give you somebody who does not have the strength to carry any sword we'll give you somebody who does not have an armor Bearer we give you somebody who does not have the experience of even H waing war and having the Victory and here comes David what did you hear what I said give me one man and you give this little boy you want to waste his life he became more Angry you know these people who overcame in the Old Testament they didn't fear the anger of anyone the shouting of anyone the sword of anyone the Spear of anyone the Amor bearer of anyone we're too fearful of our neighbors what you fearful of even people were familiar with that man lives you know that side and we even fear is driver more than we you know fear God and that woman they said If a woman has a beard and is going a beard here they said that TR you she said you understand I want to look at a woman and she has some ear here ah you are trembling they will kill me who can kill you when Satan their Master cannot kill you there are servants that have no power how can they kill you they call me the dream they have come they have come you understand if somebody is bold let him come during the day those who come in the dream the they cowards and they say I will finish you tell them when we wake up you come and I when I mention the name of Jesus you'll be nowhere to be found it's the fear that we have of that man of that woman it's our own fear that kills us not their power no not their ability no it's our own fear that paralyzes us and any time you can throw that fear away it belongs to the devil send it back to the cender and when you do that you stand firm by faith you prevent all those giants the obstacles of fear everything gone in Jesus name Hebrews 11:29 it says by faith they pass through the Red Sea as by dry land which the Egyptians are saying and trying to do were drowned your enemies cannot copy you I said your enemies cannot copy you look at Pharaoh you know Great Men can be foolish thoughtless great armies can be foolish thoughtless they said look at the sea opening they had never seen any anything like that before instead of praising God and saying well Ser this God that can open the Red Sea for the children of Israel they said what Israel can do Egypt can do I hear you and where Israel can walk Egypt can walk there I hear you they're digging their own Graves and then they said Pharaoh said let's go be careful how you obey the Commandment of somebody who wants to perish he wants to perish and he says let go let's go me I'm not going with f i will stand where I stand I will watch him get to the midst of that red sea are you not coming h uh uh you go first you will not follow them and they Tred to do that they were drowned I'm still alive I'm still alive I am not drown you know why I didn't follow Pharaoh into the Red Sea don't follow them I said don't follow them look at verse 30 in verse 30 it tells us by faith the walls of Jericho fell down all those walls that try to prevent you from your inheritance all the walls will fall down after they compassed about 7even days look at verse 31 in verse 31 by faith the harot RAB perished not give me a good amen as said it was so it is Jesus said the hots they go into the kingdom of God before the Pharisees the hots were the people that knew they were Sinners and he confess accepted they were Sinners the other people the self-righteous people in the land and better than that harot if anybody is to perish she would perish but I will not perish it is not by self-righteousness It Is by faith if a harot comes and he says I'm sorry for what I've done I believe in the Lord Jesus now she be saved if Prof legate comes and he says my life has been wasted but now I Believe In Christ immediately he'll be saved what the people that are saying I'm a good man I'm a good woman I've been going to church all my life I pay the pastor's deal I pay my you know TI and offering I'm not like these people they don't believe on the Lord Jesus they believe only in their so-call good works they will perish but you will not perish by faith the hot RAB perish not with them that believed not when she had received the spies with peace and look at verse 32 it says and what shall Li more sa for the time will fail me to tell of Gideon of be of Samson Sam what am I looking at Sam somebody help me what do you say there H you know there are people that talk that person back that person backl so was Sam but then the spirit of God came back again Faith came back again and attachment to the Lord came back again you know the people that I don't backslide I don't smoke I don't drink I'm always Pro right I'm always like this they not have the power but something came back if you're back sading today you'll come back the same old Power will come upon your life in Jesus name you know something something is left on uhhuh tell me the story and then he shaved the said tell me the story and he lost all his SP tell me the story the New Testament said that all that samon did everything went of the sea and it say swept away but now by faith something by faith yourself there whatever your P Faith willite a new story about you it is not what we were it is what we are by faith today and it is the faith that will wipe away the past wipe away the guilt wipe away the condemnation by faith what will I must say to talk about Gideon talk about bar talk about something talk about Jeff or David also and Samuel and the prophets the Lord is talking about them because of their Faith heaven will talk about you because of your faith look at verse 33 in verse 33 who through faith subdued kingdoms wrough righteousness obtained promises T the mouths of lions stop the mouths of lions a lion is on the street go there stop his mouth a lion is waiting for me on the Evangelistic field go there and stop their mouth a lion is waiting I want to make progress I want to run I want to walk I want to fly I want to do the will of God but a lion is waiting there in a case of Daniel not just one lion lions lions lions and those lions were hungry and they said we're going to throw you in the Lion's Den he said go ahead I want to prove God more prove God more and then he threw him there and the you know the Lions they welcomed him and he laid down like that and he never had any kind of mattress like that to sleep on in his life and he slept well and the King came and the King said Daniel servant of the Living God it's your God whom you serve able to deliver you and Daniel replied he said lay forever oh King don't mind that that's what they always say to them they don't live forever but you know that the normal thing they tell them and that's what they wanted to hear my God has sent his Angel and has sh the lion's mouth have the angels all died of the angels are ministers to those of us who are ears of Salvation and then the king said Daniel come forth you will come forth and he came out and some people say you know the secret those lions were not hungry at that time and because they are not hungry and also they you know they they they eating so much that they slept in the night that's why they didn't you know Crush Daniel all right all right all those people that said the lions were not hungry and that's why they didn't devour Daniel can you try your luck and then they throw them there lo and behold when those people when they arrive and the L said meat has come meat has come meat has come the unbeliever is meat for the lion the righteous your blood it will be poison to those Lions and the lions you that is poison don't eat that one let him go our food will come when you are there they will not eat you up after you are gone their food will come faith faith in the Lord did who by faith brought righteousness and subdued kingdoms and obtained promises and sto the mouth of lions now how did you stop their their mouth he didn't shout he didn't call Heaven down it didn't call fire down it just quietly you know you can be quiet and have faith without seeing anything there silent Faith the shouting faith when you around the walls of Jericho you can have shouting faith when you are in a lion din as you breathe in faith as you breathe out faithfulness as you breathe in obedience as you breing as you breathe out overcoming power silently your faith will keep on working in Jesus name you are in the office you are somewhere and you feel a sharp pain there and it's not a place where you can shout in Jesus name blood of Jesus blood of Jesus well that place that's not a place for shouting silent Faith was your breath going in your breath going out that pain I command you get out of there and that silent faith will work and no lion no giant will ever eat you up in Jesus name we're looking at Point number three now Point number three is our perseverance in possession of faith in the finisher we're looking at three things here number one number one is patiently running the race by the face of the son number two is progressively reaching all regions as followers of the son and number three is perseveringly embracing the righteous Us in the fullness of the son we're looking at number one number one patiently running the race by the faith of the son look at Hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 it says wherefore seen we also are compassed about by with so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside let us lay aside look up here if you're traveling and uh you are allowed a baggage and that baggage must wear this H kind of many kilos or pounds and as you are parking you try they will accept as we are flying as we are going to your great destination then you say I have to remove some you remove this you remove that and you wait it again is still greater than they will allow to go with you in the flight you remove enough and then you lift it up now this is good now now we're running a race and we're going on a journey and our load can be too heavy our Lo can be too overpowering and when you see that at the beginning of the journey I have to remove this I have to remove that make that load light enough so that you will be able to travel light that's what it say wherefore sin we also are Compass about we so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every we and the sin which so easily bes sech us and let us run where we run the race that is set before us as you are you know running the race you understand you must not have any property of Satan in your baggage it will make it to heavy and you'll not be able to run very well what's the property of Satan there seeing is sin there is anger anger comes from the devil and it becomes too heavy and you cannot run light T all those you know terrible terrible things that people do transgression if you have them inside you cannot it is atrocity all the atrocities of the world and the things that the worldly people do if you put it there it will be to which nothing is if you put it there while you are running you it will be so heavy you cannot even carry you cannot even walk you cannot even stand with all those things of Satan in the baggage but you take them away and now you were on you will cross every sea you will fly over every Mountain you will be springing in your heart the joy of the Lord and the Victory of the Cross will belong to you you'll be an overcomer in Jesus name when you are driving a vehicle make sure that all the parts are genuine all the spare parts are genuine should in case the car is breaking down on the road and then you bring thear part and you fix it in make sure it is genuine but the people that do not have the faith that comes from the author and from The Finisher from Christ when the fix it in is fake it does not work your faith or work and it says who for the joy that was set before him he endured the cross despising the shame and he sat down at the right hand of the Throne of God we're running a race you are running a race you will run well and you're run to the Finishing Line in Jesus name whatever you have heard hinders others like you those things will not hinder you but every time every day you wake up you check your baggage there's anything that will weigh you down anything that will hinder your prayer anything that will remove the Wheel from your car of Faith anything that will ground you before you go out remove all those things tell the Lord confess it to the Lord and say Lord I'm going on I'm continuing my journey today remove this remove this and remove this and let me walk by faith all through my my days in Jesus name and every one of us will get to the Finishing Line you where are you I'll see you on the Finishing Line look at number two number two we're looking at progressively reaching regions as followers of the sun progressively progressively progressively you'll be making progress amen we will hear stories about you good story good testimony where you are yesterday you finished the work there you are here on the new ground today in Jesus name Luke chapter 4 I'm reading from verse 42 in Luke 4 verse 42 and when it was day he departed and went into the desert place and the people sought him and came unto him and stayed him that he should not depart from them look at verse 43 in verse 43 and he said unto them I must preach the kingdom of God to other cities also other cities also for therefore am I saint the Lord has sent you amen it will be a successful Ministry and then you go to other cities other cities other cities also if you've established Ministry and Church in this place after this day is the time to now move on progress Higher Ground and the grace that saw you through in this city when you get to the next city that same Grace will see you through your life will not be limited my brother my sister your ministry will not be limited you've done it here go and do it in the next city you've done that go and do it in the next city you will not be tired you will not be weary like the Lord Jesus Christ you follow him to the regions Beyond we're looking at number three here number three is perseveringly raising the righteous to the fullness of the son raising the rightous to the fullness of the son Ephesians chapter 4 in Ephesians chapter 4 I'm reading from verse 11 Ephesians chapter 4 looking at verse 11 11 and he gives some Apostles and he gave some prophets and he gave some evangelists and he gives some pastors and teachers look at us here on the front row we come and we give the program he gave some we come to the site here a choir there and we give the program if they miss anybody out what do you do you raise up your hand I'm here are you there when you say I'm here you've not got and give you your own and we come to this side the side of kire and uh you know we give we give if they miss you out what do you do you raise up your hand I am here heaven will recognize you and then at the back there he gave some he gave some now is giving everyone not everyone receives the same thing he gives some Apostle receive he gives some prophets receive he giv some evangelist receive he give some pastors receive he gave some teachers receive when we receive you know sometimes those five the fivefold ministry maybe you've heard me before illustrate the thumb that's the Apostle the pointing finger Thou Art the man that is the prophet and the middle finger the one that goes beyond everyone that is the Evangelist and this one where you put your wedding ring that's the pastor the preacher the minister of love and this one where you put which you put inside your ear whenever something is scratching you there that the teacher that puts the message inside your ear he gave some Apostle some prophets some evangelist some pastors and teachers now you may not start at the top when we started my little Ministry his ministry that he called me to in 1973 he gave me a teacher and then after I'm ministering in the teacher office he gave me pastoral after that I only did teaching and pastoring teaching and pastoring and when the Pastoral Ministry came he didn't cancel the Teaching Ministry and then he gave me the Evangelist and now I can go on the field the teacher is still there the prophet and the the pastor is still there the Evangelist has now come and then after the Evangelist I was even thinking when you have three out of five that's 60% and that's good that's past Mark and God says I'm not thr with you yet he's not thr with you yet and then he gave me the prophetic Ministry and I say there's somebody there you have this problem stand up and then I pray and the problem is solved and now he gave me Apostolic Ministry God has not finished with you say he has not finished with me whatever he has given you he wants to give something more today something greater today why look at verse 12 in verse 12 for the for the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ now when God has given you the gift when you see imperfection in your church chur you not criticized you will not run away how are you going to perfect their imperfection if you're run away when you see any imperfection you're not to complain you're not to blame people you're not to criticize people and you're not to beat people down say I know now why God sent me to that conference I know now why God gave me this gift is for the perfecting of the Saints is for the work of the ministry till we all come till we all come say that with me till we all come it's not just me alone the say what God has brought him until he comes no you and I you and I I said you and I we all until we all come in the unity of the faith of the knowledge of the Son of God willc come there unto a perfect man will get there unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ well get there every day every little addition every day every little multiplication every day every little realization every day every little demonstration we're moving on we're moving on we're moving on until I until you until we all come the unity of the faith our faith is going to grow and our faith is going to work and then we come to a perfect man together and it says unto the measure of the fullness of the stature of the fullness of Christ I welcome you to a new level today I welcome you to a New Life today I welcome you to a new possession today we're coming higher you are coming higher where are you get up and tell the Lord tell the Lord you are getting there he gives some is giving you your own you will not go empty-handed he live you higher take you greater than the place you had ever been in your life don't mind what happened yesterday don't mind what happened today don't mind where you are now Higher Ground you're getting there anything in your baggage that's from the the side sin anger transgression atrocities Ness anything that will weigh you down remove them remove them remove them and continue in this Journey of Faith you're are going to run faster now you're going to go higher now the calling of God upon your life will be without repentance in Jesus name we pray he has answer answered your prayer everything you have asked him he has given you your life will take on new brightness new anointing new power where you failed before you will not fail again where you fa before you will not fall again Higher Ground greater ground the Lord confirm your life in your ministry in your family in your church your profession in Jesus name is up that hand the hand of a conqueror the hand of brother Victor sister Victoria the Lord Has Lifted you up father in the mighty name of Jesus we thank you for everything we have learned we pray you take every fear away from every life in Jesus name a new kind of Faith new power of Faith new progress through faith Grant to everyone in Jesus name the grace to build the grace to preach the grace to pray the grace to progress the grace for service sufficient Grace Grant to everyone in Jesus name the grace to remove every pble every stone every hindrance and every heavy wage Grace to remove everything without any sluggishness give everyone in Jesus name the grace to run the grace to preach the grace to sing the grace to do more For Your Glory give everyone in Jesus name we as the people of God we're crossing the Red Sea nobody here will be left behind we as the people of God were conquering all their malachit nobody here will be left behind we the people of God were crossing River Jordan you will not be left behind in Jesus name we as the people of God were running around our Jericho walls all the jeral walls before you will fall down we possessing the promised land and the fruit of the land now Belongs to You Lord give something finish a call an anointing the power the teacher the pastor the Evangelist the prophet the Apostle give something that fits the ministry you have called us to in Jesus name your hands are no more empty your heart no more empty the word of your mouth no more empty your ministry no more empty your bank of account account of the bank of Heaven in your life no more empty Lord give everyone sufficient to make progress in the ministry confirm it Lord in every life in Jesus name we pray